Take Vital Actions To Improve Every Aspect of Your Development Performance
Find obstacles in reaching your full potential, eliminate bottlenecks to improve your processes and create a matching company culture by tracking the mismatched actions
Define Best Cases
Design Automation Engine
Monitor Actions
Enjoy Improvement
Efficient Development Cycle With Coding & Review Improvements
Enables swift action in review
Reduce reaction time
Guide teams to apply best cases
Eliminate repetitive mistakes
If the situation is that
Beyond Checking The Data-Centric Insights; Take Actions For Better
Design triggers to generate alerts which result in actions to achieve your target both in team and organization level
Guarantee Improvement For Every Component Of Deployment Process
Define key targets in the company under various categories to make sure the progress covers all aspects of your business.
Project Score Change,
Cycle Time Increase,
Release Deadline Approaches
And more...
Status Changes
(could be stuck etc.),
Increased Churn,
Missing Activity
And more...
Estimated Time Exceed,
Due Date Approaches,
Created Without Analysis
And more...
Pull Requests
Risky Development,
Merge Without Review,
PR Merge Time Increased
And more...
High Risk,
Big Impact,
Without A Message,
And more...
Concentrate On The Progress
Closely monitor the impact of workflow automations, make sure your team achieve your targets and adapt best practices as your company culture
Track automation actions on a daily basis
Check improvement with historic data
Compare current actions with company trends
Perfectly Designed Alerts To Contain All Related Data
We provide all data available in our alerts to help decision making easier and more efficient with the right focus